Wilmington – Delaware State Police are currently investigating the armed robbery of a Wilmington area pharmacy that occurred early yesterday afternoon, according to Public Information Officer, Master Corporal Jeffrey R. Hale

Hale said that the incident happened at around 1:00 p.m. on Monday, September 26, 2016, when two male suspects entered the First State Pharmacy, located at 1707 Foulk Road, Wilmington. The suspects, who were both armed with unknown make and model guns, confronted a female employee of the business and demanded money and narcotics, said Hale.
The employee complied with the suspect’s demands and turned over an undisclosed amount of cash and prescription drugs to them. The suspects then exited the store and were last seen fleeing the parking lot in and unknown make and model vehicle. There were no injuries.
The first suspect was described as a black male 30-40 years of age. He was 5’09”-6’02” tall, weighed 170-200 lbs., and was last seen wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt.
The second suspect was also a black male. He was 5’09”-6’02” tall, weighed 175-200 lbs., and was last seen wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt and a yellow and orange vest. He also had a mask covering his face. There is no further physical or clothing description of either suspect available.
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