Milford – On Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Milford Police concluded an investigation into an early January shoplifting at Walmart with a pair of arrests, according to Milford Police Spokesmand Sgt. Robert Masten.

Masten said that police charged a 25 year old woman and a 27 year old man, both from Harrington, as a result of this investigation. On January 19, 2017 Milford Police were contacted by Walmart Asset protection after their routine review of store activity found suspicious activity, said Masten.
Investigation determined items were removed from the store and with the use of old receipts were fraudulently returned on more than one occasion, according to masten. Masten went on to say that on January 24, 2017 police arrested Amanda K. Chen, 25 of Harrington. Ms. Chen has been charged with Possession of Shoplifters Tools, two counts of Shoplifting Under $1,500, two counts of Theft By False Pretense, three counts of Use of Illegitimate Retail Sales Receipt, and Conspiracy 3rd degree.
Ms. Chen was presented at the Justice of the Peace Court #7, where bail was set at $6000.00 unsecured. Ms. Chen is scheduled to appear at the Kent County Court of Common

Pleas on Feb. 3, 2017 for a Preliminary Hearing. Also wanted in connection with this matter is John E. Pauley, 27 of Harrington. Mr. Pauley is in the custody of the Delaware Department of Correction on an unrelated matter and will be presented at a Justice of the Peace Court on 01.24.2017, therefore no presentment information is available at the time of this release. Charges for Mr. Pauley will include Possession of Shoplifters Tools, two counts of Shoplifting Under $1,500, and Conspiracy 3rd degree.
Image Credits: Milford Police