Wilmington- The New Castle County Police have charged Jerome Broomer, 43, from the 1100 block of Read Street in Wilmington with identity theft after police learned he opened an account in a disabled victim’s name, according to Police Spokeswoman CPL Tracey Duffy.

Duffy said that on Saturday 1-21-2017 New Castle County Police received a telephone call from the victim’s wife after she learned her husband’s identity was used to open an account for cable. Officers immediately ascertained an employee in charge of caring for the 47-year-old disabled victim used his name and date of birth to open a Comcast account approximately eight (8) months ago, Duffy said.
Broomer was taken into custody without incident at the Cpl. Paul J. Sweeney Public Safety Building and charged with identity theft. He was arraigned and released on $5,000 unsecured bail and issued a no contact order.
Image Credits: NCCPD