Bank Robbed In Downtown Newark

Newark – On Saturday, February 11, 2017 at 2:49 p.m. Newark Police officers responded to TD Bank, 230 E. Delaware Avenue, for the report of a bank robbery that had just occurred, according to Newark Police Spokesman Lieutenant Fred Nelson.

td-bankNelson said that the victim, a 20-year-old male bank teller, reported that he turned over an undisclosed amount of money after the suspect presented him with a demand note. The suspect then fled the bank and entered what appeared to be a black newer model four door Nissan passenger car, Nelson said.

The suspect vehicle was last observed traveling eastbound on Wyoming Road. The suspect is described as a thin black male, mid 20’s to early 30’s, with a goatee.

Anyone with additional information on this incident should contact Detective Daniel Bystricky, 302-366-7100 x3136, or