Milford – On July 28, 2016 at approximately 1:55 p.m. officers from the Milford Police Department responded to a disorderly individual at Walmart in the 900 block of North DuPont Blvd. (US RT 113), according to Milford Police Spokesman Officer Mikhail Stanton.

Stanton said that upon arrival officers made contact with Djerryson Charles, 18 of Milford, who was in possession of a baseball bat. Officers gave Charles commands to drop the bat, he complied and was taken into custody without further incident.
Further investigation determined prior to officers arrival Charles had allegedly removed his shirt and was running around the store damaging items, said Milford. Following this investigation a warrant was obtained for Charles and has been on file since the incident.
On February 4, 2017 Charles turned himself in to Milford Police. Mr. Charles was charged with Criminal Mischief and Disorderly Conduct. Mr. Charles was presented at the Justice of the Peace Court # 7, where bail was set at $200.00 unsecured. Charles is scheduled to appear at the Kent County Court of Common Pleas in April for an arraignment.
Image Credits: Milford Police