Wilmington – Last night at 7:27 pm Wilmington Firefighters on the A platoon were dispatched to a multi-residential structure fire at 818 Woodlawn Avenue, the Wawaset Place Apartments. Units arrived on scene to find smoke from the main entrance of a building and all occupants out of the structure. Crews found a fire in the basement of the origin building but suppression efforts were hampered by an electrical hazard. Delmarva Power was requested to the scene while crews worked to contain the fire. Once the power to the complex was secured crews were able to extinguish the fire.
At this time approximately 56 units are affected by this incident. The property owner is working to find shelter for all affected. The scene was placed under control by the incident commander, Deputy Chief Jerome McCaffery with units still currently on scene. One resident was transported to hospital for evaluation and no firefighter injuries. The scene is still active and being investigated by the Fire Marshal’s Office
Approximately 45 fire and EMS personnel responded to the fire. The following units responded: Engine 1, Engine 5, Squad 4, Ladder 2, Skyboom 2, Tower 1, Engine 3, Battalion 1, Battalion 2, F-1, Deputy 2, F-9, FM-12, FM-13, FM-14, FM-18, St. Francis EMS, New Castle County Paramedics, Rescue 20 (Holloway Terrace FC), Wilmington License and Inspection, and Delmarva Power.