Stanton – Delaware State Police are currently investigating a serious motor vehicle crash involving a pedestrian that occurred this evening near Stanton, according to Public Information Officer, Master Corporal Jeffrey Hale.
Hale said the initial investigation has determined that the crash occurred at approximately 7:54 p.m. this evening, Wednesday, September 13, 2017, on westbound DE Rt. 4 (W. Newport Pike) at Rothwell Drive, and involves a motor vehicle and a male pedestrian.
As a result of the crash, the pedestrian was transported to the Christiana Hospital with serious injuries, according to Hale. The operator of the motor vehicle remained at the scene. It is unknown if they were injured at this point.
Original Breaking Release
Update – Troopers have moved to the side of the road as they investigate.
Update – Troopers are now closing the road to investigate.
Stanton – Rescue crews are responding to the intersection of Rothwell Dr & W Newport Pike for reports of a pedestrian struck.
Delaware State Police are currently caring for the man as crews from the Minquas Fire Company make their way to the scene.
Reports from the scene indicate that the patient is seriously injured.