Townsend – The Delaware Office of the State Fire Marshal has determined that this morning’s fire that heavily damaged a Townsend, Delaware home was accidental, according to Assistant State Fire Marshal Michael Chionchio.
Chionchio said the blaze, reported shortly after 10:00 am, occurred in the 100 block of Blackbird Forest Road near the DuPont Parkway. The Townsend Fire Company arrived on the scene with smoke pouring from the two-story dwelling.
Deputy State Fire Marshals were called to the scene to conduct the investigation. The fire started inside a 2nd-floor bedroom when an operating space heater caught the bed on fire. Five occupants were checked for smoke inhalation at the scene but were not transported to a hospital, according to Chionchio.
Chionchio. said that fire damage was estimated at $60,000, adding there were no smoke alarms inside the home. Three adults and two children have been displaced. They are receiving emergency assistance from the American Red Cross.
Breaking Report
Townsend – Firefighters from the Townsend Fire Company, along with crews from Port Penn, Kent County Maryland and several other companies have responded to the 100 block of Blackbird Forest Road for reports of a home on fire.
Arriving units have reported smoke showing. Primary and secondary searches for patients at the residence are negative. Crews reporting that they think fire is in the attic.
Four patients from the home are being evaluated by medics at an address a few houses away.
Command is asking for manpower. More crews from across New Castle County are responding.
Fire Marshals have arrived on scene.
Update: 11:02 Command has placed the fire under control. Crews will remain one scene opening walls and ceilings to check for fire extension to other areas of the home.
Update: 11:02 All 4 patients have refused treatment.
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