Wilmington – The Wilmington Police Department has posted its weekly crime report online for the public to see. The reports present crime statistics based on police districts with accompanying neighborhood maps to assist citizens with tracking crime in their area Wilmington Mayor Mike Purzycki and Chief of Police Robert J. Tracy announced yesterday that weekly data-driven performance measurements for the Wilmington Police Department will be provided to citizens on the City’s website, www.WilmingtonDE.gov. The reports will also be made available to Wilmington City Council, which will receive the first reports today at 5 p.m. when the Council’s Public Safety Committee convenes at the Louis L. Redding City County Building.
Today’s newly posted reports include a year-end summary for 2017 and a report for the period ending February 4, 2018. All of the weekly reports include a look at weekly (seven-day) crime stats, monthly (28-day) stats, and year-to-date comparisons. To view the reports, please visit http://bit.ly/2BqAONB.
“Since Chief Tracy’s arrival last year, we’ve discussed ways to make citizens more aware of what the WPD is doing to reduce crime and to present a portion of those efforts through a concise report about criminal activity that will be updated on a regular basis,” said Mayor Purzycki. “Whatever we achieve as a City to improve public safety has to be done through the efforts of the community, which is why everyone should know from a statistical standpoint where we stand and what we need to do to improve.”
Chief Tracy said crime reporting, statistical analysis, and information-sharing are central components of modern-day policing. “When I arrived last April, we launched CompStat, which stands for “comparison statistics,” said the Chief. “This methodology, which has been used by the New York Police Department since 1994, allows the police department to track data in near real-time, providing the department greater levels of accountability, focus, and follow-up.” The Chief said the compiling of data is done for a variety of reasons. “Most importantly, the data will support efficient, targeted policing across the city for all residents and visitors,” the Chief continued. “The compiled statistical data is also used as a management tool for reducing crime, improving procedures and training, and providing transparency to the public and city government.”
The Mayor and Chief said the Police Department is producing a continual analysis of crime trends and a wide range of reports, which are updated internally on a weekly basis. Both said they want to ensure further transparency and accountability by making weekly reports and accompanying neighborhood maps available to all citizens.
The new public reports include up-to-date crime-related statistics in the seven major crime categories on a citywide and police district level. The categories include murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft, and auto theft.
The weekly CompStat report will also be available on the police department’s Facebook Page as well
Source: Wilmington Mayor’s Office