Judge Gives Employee Who Stole From 87-Year-Old Veteran Probation

Milford – A former employee of the Delaware Veterans Home pled guilty to charges related to stealing from an 87-year-old resident of the home. During the spring and summer of 2016, Courtney Sampson, 28, of Dover, while working as the housekeeping supervisor, stole checks and a credit card from a man in long-term care at the Milford facility.

Sampson drove an acquaintance to cash checks taken from the resident, and used the man’s credit card to make several purchases, including paying his own cell phone bill. Sampson pled guilty to Unlawful Use of a Payment Card and Theft Under $1500, giving him a criminal record, and was ordered by a Superior Court judge to pay $817, which was the amount stolen from the resident plus additional costs for the criminal investigation.

The judge also ordered 2 years of probation. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Barchi of the DOJ Medicaid Fraud Control Unit prosecuted the case with assistance from Special Investigators Anthony Davolos and Paul Reutter.

Image Credits: Georgetown Millsboro Rotary Club