Newark– The Delaware State Police are investigating a pedestrian crash that occurred last night, according to Delaware State Police Spokesman Director of Public Information, Sergeant Richard Bratz..
Bratz said the incident occurred on Friday, April 13, 2018, as a 2012 Nissan Altima operated by 22-year-old female of Newark was traveling westbound in the left lane on East Chestnut Hill Road just east of Martindale Drive.
A pedestrian, a 68-year-old male of Philadelphia, was walking northbound crossing both lanes of East Chestnut Hill Road when an unknown vehicle stopped in the left lane to let the pedestrian cross the roadway. Due to the stopped vehicle in the left lane the operator of the Nissan Altima changed lanes into the right lane.
As a result, the vehicle’s front bumper struck the pedestrian in the right lane, said Bratz. The driver came to a controlled stop on the right shoulder.
Both the driver and passenger were uninjured in the crash.
The 68-year-old pedestrian was treated at the scene by the New Castle County paramedics and then transported to the Christiana Medical Center. He sustained life-threatening injuries and is listed in critical condition.
East Chestnut Hill traffic on the westbound lanes were impacted for two hours while the crash was investigated and cleared.
Breaking Beport
Newark– Just before 10:00 last evening, Friday, March 13, rescue crews from Aetna, Hose, Hook, and Ladder along with, Troopers from the Delaware State Police responded to East Chestnut Hill Road (Route 4) in the area of the Coopers Place Apartments, near Gender Road, for reports of a pedestrian struck.
Early reports indicate that upon arrival, crews shut down the roadway and alerted Christiana Hospital that the patient was a “Trauma Code” patient. No other information regarding the patient’s injuries is available at this time.
Troopers are currently investigating the crash. Further information will released as it becomes available, according to Delaware State Police Spokesman Director of Public Information, Sergeant Richard Bratz.