Amtrak Police have reopened the Wilmington station after an hours-long closure, according to Amtrak Sr. Public Relations Manager Beth Toll.
Toll said Amtrak Police were conducting a routine security sweep at Wilmington Station (WIL) at approximately 11 a.m. when a K-9 unit alerted on an unattended bag. The station and adjacent tracks were closed for about two hours while the bag and its contents were thoroughly investigated.
Amtrak Police worked with Wilmington Police to safely clear the bag and reopen the station and track.
Toll did not say what was found in the bag.
Breaking Report
Wilmington Police (WPD) have surrounded the Amtrak Station located at 100 S French Street.
Just before 11:30 Thursday morning Willmington Police were contacted by Amtrak Police. Based on initial radio traffic Amtrak police alerted WPD that one of their K-9 officers had found explosives at the location.
Police have closed all of the roads surrounding the station and it appears that the building has been evacuated.
Just before 12:00, the bomb squad was en route to the scene.