The cold waters of the Delaware River proved treacherous for two kayakers on Sunday afternoon, requiring an all-out rescue effort by nearby rescue crews and marine units.
Just before 12:30 pm on Sunday, Delaware City Fire Company crews were alerted to two people in the water, believed to be kayakers, located northwest of Pea Patch Island. While en route, crews learned that both kayakers had life jackets on, allowing them to call 911 on their phones and guide the crews to their location.

In addition to Delaware City Fire Company, crews from area fire companies, New Castle County Paramedics, and Delaware State Police Aviation’s Trooper 4 were dispatched to the scene to assist. Shortly after arriving on scene Fire Boat 15’s crews located the two kayakers and brought them aboard. Medics staged at the Delaware City dock requested a second ambulance, as a precaution, prior to making contact with the kayakers.
At the moment, it is unknown whether or not the two kayakers suffered any injuries or if they were taken for further medical treatment. Trooper 4 did land in Delaware City, however, they were not needed after the search and departed soon after. A DNREC Marine Unit was tasked with recovering the kayak.
Officials did not provide any further information regarding the incident.
The river can be unpredictable and dangerous, so it is important to wear lifejackets when participating in water-related activities and to be prepared for the worst. Many of the local fire and rescue units train extensively for such situations and are always ready to help.