Health Emergency Advisory Bill Passes The Senate

Delaware Legislature Introduces Senate Bill 66: Enhancing Public Health Emergency Planning Commission

Some Delaware lawmakers are taking proactive steps to bolster its public health emergency planning efforts with the introduction of Senate Bill 66 in the 152nd General Assembly.

The bill, which has recently passed the Senate on June 13, 2023, and is now sent to the House for consideration, aims to amend Title 20 of the Delaware Code relating to the Public Health Emergency Planning Commission. This legislation seeks to strengthen the commission’s composition, meeting requirements, governance procedures, and terminologies, while also making necessary technical corrections.

Authored by Senator Buckson, with additional sponsorship from Representative Yearick, Senate Bill 66 has garnered support from other legislators, including Senators Hocker, Lawson, Pettyjohn, and Wilson, as well as Representatives Bolden, Briggs King, Hilovsky, and Michael Smith. This bill has received bipartisan support.

The primary objective of Senate Bill 66 is to enhance the effectiveness of the Public Health Emergency Planning Commission by expanding its membership and ensuring regular meetings during times of public health emergencies. The bill proposes the inclusion of the Senate Minority Leader and the House Minority Leader as members of the commission, recognizing the need for representation from both major political parties in shaping emergency response strategies.

Under the provisions of Senate Bill 66, the Public Health Emergency Planning Commission would convene within 30 days of a state of emergency declaration due to a public health crisis. The commission’s role during these meetings would be to engage in discussions and evaluations, offering advisory input to the Governor regarding the response to the ongoing public health emergency. To ensure ongoing collaboration and oversight, the commission would be required to meet at least once every 30 days until the termination of the state of emergency.

The bill also addresses various governance procedures for the commission. It outlines the length of terms for members, establishes guidelines for filling vacancies, and defines the quorum required for decision-making. These measures aim to provide clarity and structure to the commission’s operations, ensuring smooth functioning and continuity of critical decision-making processes during times of crisis.

The bill also introduces technical corrections to align existing laws with the standards set by the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual. These corrections include updating agency names and addressing inconsistencies or outdated references within the legislation. Such adjustments ensure that Delaware’s legal framework remains accurate, coherent, and in line with current practices.

The introduction of Senate Bill 66 aims to strengthen the state’s preparedness and response capabilities in the face of public health emergencies. By expanding the commission’s membership and mandating regular meetings, the bill seeks to promote collaborative decision-making, bipartisan input, and effective advisory capacity to the Governor.