Just before 2:00 Saturday afternoon, the Village of Plum Run in Pike Creek was shocked when firefighters filed into their neighborhood blaring their sirens.
Firefighters from the Mill Creek Fire Company, supported by crews from several area fire companies, responded to reports of a house fire with possible entrapment in the 4000 block of Plum Run Court.
As the first responders arrived on the scene, a Cranston Heights firefighter immediately reported seeing smoke billowing from the two-story residence. Arriving crews entered the home to assess the situation and initiated efforts to combat the fire. Initial reports from the scene indicated that there was a fire in one of the bedrooms of the home.
Given the seriousness of the situation and the possibility of someone being trapped inside, the firefighters conducted primary and secondary searches of the home. During the search operations, no one was found inside the house according to radio reports.
Firefighters did locate a dog within the home and were searching for a missing cat as well. At the time of reporting, there was no information available regarding the condition of the pets.
The incident was successfully brought under control at around 2:20, less than half an hour after the initial call.
This story will be updated when additional details are released by the Fire Marshal’s office.