Unreported Gunfire Early Friday Keeps Officers Busy

Wilmington Police are currently investigating gunfire that occurred in the early hours of Friday morning, which involved what has been described as a drive-by shooting.

Reports of multiple rounds being fired between 2:30 and 3:00 a.m. directed the police to several locations in Downtown Wilmington, where they located various crime scenes and evidence.

Officers found a scene in the 900 block of Orange Street, where a sizable crowd had reportedly gathered, the 800 block of N West Street, the 100 block of W 9th Street, and at the intersection of W 9th Street & N Tatnall Street.

It is important to note that at this point, the Wilmington Police have not released specific information about these incidents, including whether anyone was injured as a result of the gunfire.

This story will be updated when more information is provided by the police.

A tip from someone with knowledge of the incident led to the posting of this information. Tips and confirmation from sources in law enforcement are how these stories get generated. If you have a tip or a photo that you want to share please message us via Facebook.