Loud Explosion Wakes Neighbors To House Fires Friday Morning


An early morning fire ravaged two homes in the Willow Oak community near Red Lion, with one residence completely destroyed and the other sustaining heavy damage.

On Friday firefighters with a Christiana Fire Company responded to the scene on Willow Oak Boulevard just before 4:30 a.m. They found one home fully engulfed in flames, which had begun to spread to a neighboring house. Command immediately struck a second alarm to bring additional resources. Despite their efforts, they were eventually forced to abandon an interior attack and had to fight the fire from the outside.

Firefighters had been at the same location just the previous day, Thursday, June 27th, responding to a fire that had broken out around 6 a.m.

Residents reported hearing a loud explosion as the fire reignited early Friday,, with one neighbor describing how both houses were engulfed in flames. Thankfully, the affected neighbors and their two dogs managed to escape safely, one neighbor posted on social media.

One person was assessed at the scene, but no injuries were reported.

FSU has viewed photographs of the homes fully engulfed in fire and we are working on permission to use those so check back a little later.