Third Smyrna Incumbent To Face Voters After 100% Property Tax Hike

The City of Smyrna will hold a special election for the At-Large seat on Tuesday, June 4th, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., in the Council Chambers room at Town Hall, 27 S. Market Street.

This is the second election since the City Council’s controversial decision to double property taxes in April, raising the rate from 47 cents to 94 cents per $100 of assessed value, a whopping 100%.

In May, Smyrna voters decisively ousted two incumbent town council members. Alvin Pope emerged victorious over incumbent Valerie Forbes, securing 259 votes to Forbes’ 54. In another contest, Justin Capps defeated Dean Johnson with 218 votes to Johnson’s 208, and incumbent Gerald Brown, who received 172 votes.

The candidates for tomorrow’s special election are incumbent Gerald Brown and Dean Johnson. The election results will determine the political direction of Smyrna in the wake of the recent tax increase.