Newark Issues 40% Fewer Traffic Summons As Auto Insurance Rates Soar

The Newark Police Department has published its Annual Report for 2023, providing a detailed overview of various aspects of policing within the city. This article focuses on the Traffic and Accidents category in 2023. Links to the other crime stat categories are posted at the bottom of this article.

In 2023, the total number of traffic summonses issued significantly decreased by 39.9% compared to 2022, with 6,455 summonses compared to 10,734 the previous year. This reduction includes both moving and non-moving violations, which also saw a substantial decrease of 40.4%, from 10,578 in 2022 to 6,308 in 2023.

DUI offenses experienced a minor decrease of 5.8%, with 147 reported cases in 2023 compared to 156 in 2022. Conversely, the number of hit-and-run crashes increased by 18.6%, rising from 183 incidents in 2022 to 217 in 2023.

Property damage crashes remained relatively stable, with a slight increase of 0.3%, recording 962 incidents in 2023, up from 959 the previous year. In 2023, there were 225 personal injury crashes, compared to 182 in 2022, marking an increase of 23.63%.

As the Newark Police Department saw a drop in the number of traffic summons they issued in 2023, Delaware residents began seeing their insurance rates skyrocket.

In 2023, Delaware Insurance Commissioner Trinidad Navarro addressed the rising insurance rates affecting consumers across the state, attributing the increases to a convergence of several factors. Navarro pointed out that many insurance companies operating in Delaware are experiencing significant losses, with their loss ratios exceeding 100%. This means these companies were paying out more in claims than they were collecting in premiums.

Navarro described this situation as a “perfect storm” of contributing elements. Among these factors are the rising costs associated with vehicle repairs, supply chain issues, and a rise in both the frequency and severity of car accidents. This uptick in roadway incidents has further strained insurance companies, compelling them to raise premiums to cover the higher number of claims.

The crime statistics in the report are provided by the department and have not been independently confirmed by First State Update.

Crimes Against Person, Traffic and Accidents