Dover Airman Dies After Being Pulled from Hudson River In NYC

A Staff Sergeant assigned to the 436th Airlift Wing at Dover Air Force Base was recovered from the Hudson River in New York City, on Thursday.

Local news reports show a dramatic rescue attempt near Manhatten’s Pier 76. A recuse swimmer was lowered by helicopter while several marine units converged on the area where the man entered the water.

Two scuba divers, who entered the water to search for the man, located the victim after about 15 minutes according to local news reports. He was rushed by ambulance to Mount Sinai West in critical condition.

This morning, at 1:30 a.m., New York officials notified Dover Air Force Base that the member was declared deceased at the hospital.

“We are devastated to have lost a Team Dover Airman,” said Col. Chris McDonald, 436th AW commander. “We are currently focused on providing support to the member’s family, co-workers and all of those feeling the impact of this tragic loss. I encourage members of our Dover Family to reach out to one of our many helping agencies for support during this difficult time.”

The name of the deceased Airman will not be released until 24-hours after next-of-kin notification officials said.

The cause of death is currently under investigation.