Fire Destroys $4 Million Home In Southern Delmarva

Maryland officials are investigation a fire that destoyed a four million dollar home Wednesday.

Just after 6:20 last evening firefighters from the St. Michaels Volunteer Fire Department and surrounding fire companies responded to the 24000 block of Deep Neck Road in Royal Oak, Maryland (Talbot County) for reports of a house fire.

Firefighters found the Two and half story, 5,500 Square Foot, Single-Family Dwelling ablaze.

Officials said the fire discovered by a passer by caused and estimated $4,500,000.00 in damage to the home and its contents.

The two alarm fire took a crew of seventy three firefighters about an hour and a half to bring under control, accoring to investigators.

Officials said the area of origin and the casue of the fire are under investigation. Officials ask anyone that has information regarding this fire to contact the Upper Eastern Regional Office of the Maryland State Fire Marshal at 410-822-7609.

Additional photos of the fire can be found here.