SpringFest At Bellefonte Brewery Huge Success, K-9 Vests On The Way

SpringFest at the Bellefonte Brewery on Saturday was a huge success according to event organizer Anthony Petruccelli of 302 Phalanx Foundation.

From the moment the national anthem ended it was go go go from there said Petruccelli. Attendees had the opportunity to observe a demonstration conducted by police K-9s, in addition to discussing the process of caring for and training the dogs. The food trucks were a great hit; they sold out of their offerings, and beer, wine, and spirits samples were also available. It was an exciting event that showcased some of the truly remarkable abilities of those dogs!

Petruccelli said the event was such a success that they raised enough donations to buy bulletproof vests for two NCCPD dogs, the focus of the event.

302 Phalanx Foundation champions many local causes that aim to strengthen their community. They do K9 vesting, food and clothing drives, highway cleanup via adopt-a-highway program, we teach women’s and men’s self-defense classes for free, and a laundry list of other good causes. The event yesterday is one of the few they hold per year that really draws interest and drives donations. We have lots of fun doing it too! added Petruccelli.

“Partnering with the Bellefonte bREWERY is AN organic partnership. The brewery has a huge venue that is perfect for hosting larger events so we do a lot there.” Also, one of the group’s guys Rohit DSouza, is an owner at the brewery so it’s just a natural progression of things.

“We do a lot together. Bellefonte has a very busy social schedule and weekly events that draw a regular and dedicated crowd. From comedy acts to yoga and 5ks. Always something happening there”
