Letter To Our Readers – Plans For The Future

Dear readers! We hope you’re having a fantastic day. We’d like to take a moment to express our gratitude for your continued support of your go-to news source.

We are finally making the move! It is time to help us grow our reach, reporting, and loyal supporter base!

Expanding our base of loyal supporters will allow us to cover more stories that truly matter to you. Unfortunately, Most media in the First State has been grappling with a significant lack of resources, resulting in compromised coverage in crucial areas such as education, elections, government oversight, crime, courts, sports, and business reporting. This scarcity of resources has forced some legacy media outlets to make substantial cuts to their staff, report on controversial narratives, and use division for clicks. Consequently, much of the content you encounter across various media platforms is simply rewritten press releases, often provided by government agencies. While we do report on some of these press releases, our commitment goes beyond regurgitating official statements; we also strive to provide you with real-time, actionable news that you can rely on.

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Now, as we look ahead to the future, we have an exciting announcement to share: in the near future, we will be introducing a long-anticipated paywall.

We are currently witnessing an unprecedented era in journalism where its significance has reached new heights. Regrettably, the scarcity of resources has resulted in crucial stories being left untold. As a result, it has become imperative for us to introduce a paywall as a means to address this issue.

You may recall that we previously implemented a paywall just before the lockdown commenced. However, we made the decision to remove it in order to assist you in navigating the chaotic events that unfolded worldwide during that time. But now, the time has come to take our platform to the next level.

The new paywall was supposed to go up six months ago, however, Facebook invited us into their Bonus program. The Bonus program allows us to generate revenue when someone views our page, reacts to a post, likes, shares, or comments on a post. While this is a new source of revenue it does little to allow us to plan for the future as this program could go away tomorrow.

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We understand that this may seem like a significant change, but rest assured, it comes with several benefits for you, our valued readers, and our organization.

Extending your support will allow us to be there in the critical moments of unfolding news. Your contribution also enables us to cover the significant stories of the day, as well as unveil untold stories that deserve to be shared. Growing our reporting will not only allow us to better do our job but will also make for a better-informed community.

By becoming a supporter for $3.99 per month, you can play an active role in sustaining independent journalism and helping us overcome the challenges we face. Your contribution will enable us to look past the limitations and deliver the critical information you deserve. We firmly believe that in an era where access to unbiased news is paramount, your support is vital in upholding our commitment to providing transparent, reliable reporting. (Rate may change when we put the paywall up – Take advantage of the $3.99 rate today)

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Together, let us forge ahead in pursuit of knowledge, transparency, and a well-informed society. We wholeheartedly invite you to join us today as a valued supporter. With your help, we can continue to serve as a beacon of trustworthy journalism, ensuring that you stay informed about the issues that truly shape our communities. Thank you for your unwavering support, and we look forward to embarking on this new chapter together.

While no date has been chosen for the launch of the paywall we wanted to let you know ahead and keep you in the loop – The timing may coincide with the ending of the Facebook Bonus program’s end date. That date is not known at this time. Make sure you’re engaging with every post on the page.