Troopers Warn Of Rise In Auto Thefts

In light of an upward trend in motor vehicle thefts, the Delaware State Police are urging residents to prioritize vehicle security. Officials underscore the importance of avoiding a false sense of security. Leaving your vehicle running for just a matter of seconds can lead to hours of stress, inconvenience, and the loss of your vehicle.

A significant number of motor vehicle theft complaints stem from owners leaving their vehicles unattended while running. These crimes, however, are largely preventable by taking simple precautions to secure your vehicle.

The Delaware State Police offer the following key recommendations to protect your vehicle from theft:

  1. Turn Off and Remove Keys: Always ensure that your vehicle is turned off, and the key is removed from the ignition when you exit the vehicle. Even if you plan to leave your vehicle for just a moment, this simple step can deter potential thieves.
  2. Lock Your Vehicle: Lock your vehicle’s doors and windows when parking it, regardless of the location. This includes when you’re at work, gas stations, air pumps, shopping centers, and at your residence. Many thefts occur because vehicles were left unlocked.
  3. Avoid Leaving Valuables Inside: Never leave valuable items, such as electronics, purses, or bags, in plain sight inside your vehicle. Thieves are more likely to target vehicles with visible valuables.
  4. Install Anti-Theft Devices: Consider investing in anti-theft devices, such as steering wheel locks or car alarms, to further deter potential thieves.
  5. Park in Well-Lit Areas: When parking your vehicle, opt for well-lit areas with high visibility. Criminals are less likely to attempt theft in areas where they can be easily seen.
  6. Be Cautious with Spare Keys: Avoid leaving spare keys inside your vehicle, as this can provide an easy opportunity for thieves to steal your vehicle.
  7. Report Suspicious Activity: If you observe any suspicious activity around your vehicle or in your neighborhood, don’t hesitate to report it to local law enforcement.

By following these simple guidelines, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to motor vehicle thefts. The Delaware State Police emphasize that taking a few extra moments to secure your vehicle can spare you from the distress and inconvenience of having your vehicle stolen.

In conclusion, vehicle security is a shared responsibility, and every vehicle owner can contribute to combating the rising trend of motor vehicle thefts by adopting these security measures.